
  Impulse 1    Switch between Axe,Flaming Axe, Ice-O-Matic3000 and Grappling Hook
  Impulse 2    Switch between Shotgun and Phaser
  Impulse 3    Switch between DoubleBarrel and FlameThrower
  Impulse 4    Switch between Nailgun and Lavagun
  Impulse 5    Switch between Super Nailgun, Chaingun and FreezeBomb
  Impulse 6    Switch between GrenadeLauncher, ProximityMine and ClusterBomb
  Impulse 7    Switch between RocketLauncher, HomingMissile and GuidedMissile
  Impulse 8    Switch between LightningGun, PulseCannon and BFG-9000

 Impulse 11    Weapon0

 Impulse 10    Cycle Weapons Forward
 Impulse 12    Cycle Weapons Backward
 Impulse 22    Shoot Grappling Hook
 Impulse 23    Release Grappling Hook

 Impulse 13    Set/Remove Holo
 Impulse 14    Sliding Dive...
 Impulse 15    Drop Flag (CTF-MP only)
 Impulse 40    Activate/DeActivate Radar
 Impulse 41    Jumping Boots/Jetpack
 Impulse 44    ShowScores, including bots. New scoring system.
 Impulse 45    ShowScores, including bots. Old scoring system.

Impulse 100    Create a bot
Impulse 101    Remove ALL bots
Impulse 200    Change to next skin. (not in teamplay)
Impulse 201    Change to prev skin. (not in teamplay)
Impulse 222    Cheats in single-player. Gets all weapons

Impulse 120 - 126    Help Information

alias +hook    impulse 42
alias -hook    impulse 43


Server Programs

Designed by Notepad

Written by baron